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Message: Relentless ........


I had some WLC, western lithium canada, and i got in early at .55. Someone i know from the SGR board made me take a look at it and for the same reasons you stated, I made the buy. Sold at 2.00, but i am looking to get back in.

I had forgetten about baffin island, i did look at them once the same way, I will have to take a look again, thanks.

As for gold, my big play was SGR, they are still going to be a 10.00 stock at some point, and amazing story, but the pace is measured by some of the big investors who seem to control the price. When Ned Goodman is done accumulating and wants the 10 bagger, he will let the SP fly, just a matter of patience. No one else has the grades they are getting.

another interesting gold play might be FAU, they are up in Alaska, and are following up on a mine that was producing but the previous owners got into trouble with some other properties and had to sell. Cost per ounce is around 500.00 and with gold ready to jump to 1500.00 this will make some money if the drilling proves them right. pretty risky, but maybe worth a couple of grand on a big payday. only 25 million shares out so there is some upside to this one.

IAE looks like they are going to go into aquisition mode with the new 140 million credit facility. Or they are wanting to get Stella into production earlier. Thats a lot of money to have available on short notice.

Looks good in my books, of course the market didn't think so, but hey, another buying opp :)


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