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Justice and Public Safety in Canada today

Message: Jemtec... Trading MONDAY JAN 5 , 2009

I have just got off the phone with Vancouver Stock Exchange - Regulation Services... over what I thought was an TRADING IRREGULARIITY.. that happened on Monday Morning Dec 05 2009.

At the Market opening at 9:30 Monday A.M, an open order for 5000 Jemtec was matched by an offer to sell at $1.23 from more then one seller. I watched in anticipation that we where about to sell the 3000 shares and make a good profit as we had bought them at much lower prices..

To my horror, I watched and nothing was happening. The offer to buy and sell were still at $ 1.23 and I now decided to print a copy of what i was looking at on the TSE's Bid and Ask.... for my own future reference.

At 9.43 am E.S.T. trading on Jemtec opened at 90 cents, so the orders to sell at $ 1.23 were not completed,

I finally got through to my broker , just a little confused and more then a little upset.

They listened to my problem and I the faxed them my printed proof of what I had copied and they said they would look into my problem.

Later they called me back and said that l must be mistaken , Rueters, they said ...never had a $ 1.23 bid to buy or any sell orders for that amount.... that they could find ..

Now.. I know I wear glasses but I am not totally blind as of yet. I had faxed them the proof and they said maybe... it was a left over from FrIday's Market..

I relayed to them that it was not possible... because as of closing Friday.. I had a sell order not filled at a lesser amount then the $ 1.23.

Today .. I found out that Vancouver Market Surveillance did not allow the trades of $1.23 on Monday at Opening Bell.

The reason they have told me ..is they attempt to run an orderly marketplace. In doing so they felt this trade was un-realistic and would not allow it to go though and then they phoned the buyers broker and instructed them of their decision.

Lovely.. just lovely... to say the least.. I now know that regulators are.... unknowing controlling the prices we may get for selling our shares..

When they say that is to much of an increase in price, I mentioned that this stock traded for $1.40 - 1.50 last year. Their reply was that recently..... it traded much lower ..

I knew that .. That is why I bought many of them

So... to they buyers on last Monday.. You should perhaps thank the Vancouver regulators for saving you a goodly sum of money. I suspect it was you that ended buying for the ninety cents after their phone call to your broker.

And to all the shareholders like me and wifey " BEST OF LUCK"

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