Welcome To The Kimber Resources HUB On AGORACOM

Creating value through Exploration and Development in the Sierra Madre of Mexico

Message: What are we missing?

Goldcarp, Thanks as always for your well written and sincere line of inquiry?

Involving Kimber, sure we could all be wrong, but, very simply, we are not. I've heard and read a variety of conjectures related to "what if" scenarios about the future of Kimber and junior explorers in general. These tend to be along the lines of "What if they can't get financing?" or "What if nobody buys them out?"

Such lines of questioning tell more about the intellectual inadequacies of the questioners rather than any underlying fundamental realities involving financial markets of which the gold market is and has always been a very, very important part.

Let me illustrate with a story. I was fortunate to be witness a few years ago to an associate of mine questioning the CEO of a a small Canadian junior gold producer. I don't want to name any names, but he company was Minefinders, and the CEO was Mark Bailey, a really, really nice guy, so don't get me wrong. Minefinders made me a lot of money, although I am out of it now. If any of you ever meet him, Mark Bailey, you will know exactly what I mean. He's the kind of guy anyone would like to invite over for dinner and conversation.

In any event, my friend was questioning him about the banking system and the possibility of a collapse. Mr. Bailey said, "I just don't see how that could happen. We'll always need to have banks." To this my friend said, "You're the gold miner. Don't you understand? You are the bank." I could tell by the look on Mark Bailey's face. He didn't understand. And why should he? He's a geologist. What does a geologist know of the financial history of the world? I grasped immediately the importance of what my friend had just said, and you all need to understand and grasp it here too...

There will come a point where Kimber will just be able to dig up some dirt and finance everything that it ever needs to do. Kimber sits on MONEY, not raw materials used to build things that people need to have money to buy. Kimber has the money itself. The gold and silver are there!

Kimber is the bank!

Read again what I just wrote. The history of all civilization is about commerce and trade and commerce and trade cannot exist without money, therefore civilization cannot exist without money, and the paper money that this civilization has been running on for the last 100 years is dying. Some money is going to have to take its place. Anyone who does not understand that gold and silver will, at least temporarily, have to do has just not read enough history and/or does not have, what is in my view, an adequate understanding of the nature of human or even large societal group interrelationships.

The history of mankind is a history of people not being able to agree on even very small things. Are you expecting me to believe that people are going to agree on a new non-backed currency without fighting to the death over it. Give me a break! SDR's won't work. And there will be no new, non-hard asset back currency that will work. So don't waste your time worrying about it.

The only danger to Kimber involves the potential instability of Mexico, and believe me, the United States is more potentially unstable than Mexico right now. So I wouldn't worry about Mexico coming apart at the seams either right now.

So hold tight. Nothing has changed with Kimber. Holy cow, folks! You bought a gold mine hoping the miners would strike gold. They struck gold and now you don't know what to do. I know exactly what to do, hold on until the money starts rolling in. What's so hard to understand about that?

Now, someone wrote something about Jim Puplava shorting gold. Personally I don't know anything about this. It has been a few years since I last talked to Jim. I have been trying to get Jim to give me a call, and he has chosen not to. This is unfortunate, because I have singlehandledly brought over $3,000,000 into Kimber stock and would appreciate a chance to talk to him every once in awhile.

I hold Jim in very high regard despite continuous what I must call badmouthing of him by certain people I know who at one time were involved in certain business transactions with him.

What I know of Jim is only from information I get from certain people and from my firsthand experiences involving the man. I can tell you this: Nobody, and I mean nobody does a show for four hours every week who doesn't have an honest and sincere intention to seek knowledge and wisdom. Jim is being pulled in many different directions by necessity, because he manages a large amount of money for a broadly diverse group of people. He is looking at oil, uranium, rare earths, gold and the broader markets with an eye for opportunity everywhere. He doesn't do this in an effort to try and get rich. He is already rich. He doesn't need to work. He does this because he's after greater things.

I have been told that Jim does the radio show just to get clients. I don't believe this. I made a sincere study of human motivations over my adult life, and I can tell you that people so motivated just simply do not operate in the way Jim Puplava operates.

I am reminded of the old Warren Buffett quip, "It's never a good idea to marry for money, but it's insanity if one is already rich." Jim is already rich. He is a man, just like you or I, however, he has a family. He worries about his children. He has things he looks back on proudly, and he also has regrets. How do I know this. The answer is simple; every man does. Jim is no different. What makes Jim Puplava different than you or I is that he has spent a significant amount of his adult life studying history, markets and interviewing the greatest minds involving those markets.

If you go back and listen to all of the old interviews Jim Has done over the past 8 years or so, so will quickly see where he gets many of the ideas that color his thoughts. They have come from the greatest economic thinkers in the world. And he alone, has had the good fortune and foresight to be the person to pull them out and assimilate them, taking many of us along for the journey.

So here's the deal: Kimber Resources is Jim Puplava's single largest stock holding. I don't know him as well as I'd like to know him. This is too bad, because I could be one of his greatest allies. I'm not into Kimber for warrants or fees or any of that crap. I'm into Kimber, because I know how to pick a winner, and Kimber is going to win.

I do know enough about human behavior, however, to know that Jim is in for the long haul here. He is locked into Kimber for better or for worse. He's made his bets and now, like all of us, he is sitting and waiting for what he hopes will be the inevitable to happen. Fortunately for him and others involved, odds of it happening are as good as any odds one can bet on involving just about anything in this life. Sure, like you and I, he's wondering, "Is this the one Keith Barron is wrong about?"... "Is Eric King as good at picking winners as I once thought he was?"... "Am I as smart as I once thought I was?"

Is Jim walking the lonely road right now? You bet he is! We all are to a certain extent. But that's what makes life worth living! There are no sure things, even for those who understand the purposes of life on a very deep level. And who are those people? We all are at different times. We all have our own epiphanies and private moments of unique revelation.

If all I've written here is soon forgotten, at least remember this: Certain outcomes that to most seem unimaginable right now, will be looked back on ten years from now as being inevitable. Knowledge is not what is important. Knowledge gives no vision. Imagination, my dear friends! Dream, think, imagine and only then might you begin to really know. All the best, Bull

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