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Creating value through Exploration and Development in the Sierra Madre of Mexico

Message: KBX Mention in Market Oracle Interview

I came across this be accident, really. I was researching SLW (not KBX) in Google Finance. Speaking is Chris Marchese, a contributor to the "(Dave) Morgan Report." While this does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Dave Morgan, it suggests a probably endorsement.


"There's an exploration company, Kimber Resources Inc. (KBR:TSX; KBX:NYSE.A). It has the Monterde project in Mexico, which could be on-line in two years if it had the money. It's not expensive to bring on-line for what's projected to be production of 60 Koz/year gold and 2 Moz silver for 15.5 years. The initial capital expenditure is just $100M. This looks like a likely buyout target unless it can sell a stream or something to that effect to Sandstorm Gold or someone else. In this market, these miners can't economically raise money through equity because of low prices and dilution.

"This company, along with most others, were trading at two to three times what they are now. This one is also a $75M market-cap company. I think it will get bought out within the next 12–18 months."

The disclosure says he owns stock in Sandstorm but not in Kimber.

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