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Message: Re: Perplexed -Glorieux
Apr 28, 2014 06:41PM
Apr 29, 2014 06:39PM
May 01, 2014 09:33AM
May 03, 2014 09:10PM

Subordinate, don't get me wrong. I am not blaming glorieux. Everyone is responsible for their own investment decisions - I agree 100%.

What I was hoping was he would post his thoughts on why he thinks the SP has dropped and if this one has any hope. It would be nice if everyone following this hub post their thoughts - pros and cons.

I believe it will take some time before it turns around again. IMO, the lack of continued big name signings is the reason it has tanked. Why aren't they able to continue the A-list signings? Is it lack of exposure in the US? No video, Lack of funds? Boring look?

IMO, the Get Paid roll out to all is the way to go, but not before it has solidly established a large celeb base that would continue to support the platform.

May 04, 2014 09:56AM
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