Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: Re: Proximity
Jun 04, 2008 07:13AM
Jun 04, 2008 08:23AM

Jun 04, 2008 08:36AM

Jun 04, 2008 08:46AM

Jun 04, 2008 08:51AM
Jun 04, 2008 09:05AM
Jun 04, 2008 09:10AM

Jun 04, 2008 09:24AM

Jun 04, 2008 09:27AM

Jun 04, 2008 09:37AM

Jun 04, 2008 09:48AM

Jun 04, 2008 09:50AM
Jun 04, 2008 10:14AM

Jun 04, 2008 06:11PM
Jun 04, 2008 06:36PM

Re: Proximity

posted on Jun 05, 2008 01:47AM

John, we are required to spend the $6.9 million dollars on exploration based on the flow through share financing. Therefore, why not. We have got to spend it on exploration anyway, so why not spend it where we will get bang for the buck.

It is an ugly reality this year, that companies that had to go to the public for financing this year have been hit hardest in the share price.

One of the hardest hits for us this year in SP was the delay in McWatters. We could not do anything until we got the permits to start to build. (Gary Nash coming to an agreement with the first nations was a requirement that had to be met). By the time we were ready to build we were into a really tough winter. Under normal conditions we might very well have been building the ramp which would have been out of the weather underground. Reality was not kind to us. The next hardest hit was us waiting to hear about the financing. First, when they got the news of the ROE, everyone was flabbergasted at the terms. The Subprime mess was hitting us at the same time. It took time for the legalities to be signed off (which likely represented negotiations going on about wording which we will likely know nothing about). Management of Liberty own a chunk of shares too (so they have a vested interest in protecting our company's interest). We all know the rest of this and what is going around.

We, as shareholders, are unfortunately dealing with the price decline. I could say hold onto your shares because the value is still there. Just go into the assets of the financial statement and divide by the number of shares and you see, with no effort $1.22 and then look at what else we have. (Read xcelerator's post). People or institutions are selling and buyers are knowing they can get the shares at these prices. I think us being at the AGM this year may be very important. There will be people asking tough questions. Who knows what else is going on.

One other thing which none of us has expected is what Ni is selling at. I never expected to see $10. That is changing our revenue stream to. I can't believe I am saying this but - thank god we are not selling more at this price because I really cannot believe it will go any lower. I want increased production at higher prices.

I am underwater too. So I know where you are coming from. If I knew where we would be, I would not have accumulated the number of shares we did and I would have held onto my cash and bought more at these bargain prices. I'm sure everyone is saying that. Do I still believe in Liberty, the company - yes. I just realize I have to give it more time (If I sell now, and everyone did - we would have no SP) . Simple laws of supply and demand. Please be patient John, like you have been. We are so much closer.

Jun 05, 2008 04:42AM
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