Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: EBF

Well said Nickel77.

I think the biggest mistake some of these guys are making is they are worried about what LBE has spent on exploration and development of the mines while this is important to know what it is the MOST IMPORTANT THING RIGHT NOW is what will LBE be able to CASH FLOW in the next year and a half that is why the cost per pound number that means the most is the $4.50 and of course nickel prices.

If they cash flow $15,000,000 in the next two quarters now that they are at full production that will make a good dent in the short term loans if now get rid of them all together. Then in the begining of 2011 they can wack down the longterm.

Those are the numbers that matter now...and once they get to Hart they will make a lot more $$ as the grades are much better So Bubba Bob's numbers of 120,000,000 are really not that far off....Everything coming together and as I have mentioned Nickel prices are very important anything over $9 is great and some are predicting higher in the 4th quarter. (just makes everything easier and quicker to our goals)

Also lets not forget that there were 6 holes drilled at McAra that should be out soon!!!

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