Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: Wanderer


“I say what I want, where I want & when I want. You don’t get to decide for me, or anyone else and bullies don't impress me. But in the interest of decorum let’s all listen to what Wanderer said “Nickel lets change the topic”.”

What a comical statement you have posted! The Independent Micon Resource Report proved without doubt you couldn’t have been further off base in what you stated was fact: “the ISM truth machines don’t lie and ISM has a minimum of 351 million pounds of Ni” .

One would think that anyone that knew anything about mining could have figured out that ISM had no where near what you continually promoted from the publically released data at the time.

I have stated my opinions; I stand by them and will debate them if you wish”.

You can continue to say what you want, where you want and when you want EBF; but at least now, it has been confirmed to all, your opinions in future will have absolutely no credibility with regards to what you post.

You have stated, ““I am a simple guy, so for my sake, let’s try and keep things a little more to the point.”

Okay, I will keep it as simple as possible and to the point for you. Did the Independent Micon Ni 43-101 Resource Report prove without doubt, you know absolutely nothing about Mining?


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