Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: NEWS

Traps, Gary has penny pinched and the key work that Tantallon and EBF bandy forth is the word option. I never ever thought that word ever reflected no choice. It is funny, we have the same posters come whenever news comes forth. We were halted and they are the first to say we shall never trade again. Not always are they right and I for one never read the document that was signed. I do not suppose that they have either. I have talked to Gary but as in all things in life - if someone really wants a straight answer about the financing they should ask Liberty - Gary Nash themselves. This is a BB and important financial decisions should be based on personal research. Tantallon and EBF show balance to this BB but they are not always right. There interpretation is usually the sky is falling and there will be a complete disaster.

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