Message: Tesla?

Great thoughts WB!

I haven't ruled out Tesla either.   The one contradiction I can think of is the TP project size, which doesn't stack up to Tesla's 10000+ acres.  I think TP is closer to 1500-2000 acres.  Including the proposed Southwest Basin could maybe get that up to 5000.   It could be Tesla is including other "Additional Zones Not Included in the Resource" in the west side of the cauldera... don't know if LAC owns any of that?  Or, Tesla might be including multiple mining companies (he could make a deal with more than one).

Regarding the battery plan change, and schedule advancement, I don't think that the cause points specifically to Tesla.   A major deal/partnership with any company could have resulted in a pull up of schedule.  You also mentioned Panasonic, who I think is just as likely a candidate, and would be involved in the production of their own batteries.   Panasonic would also fit into your bullet 4 "Asia" narrative.   While this may seemingly not fit into the "domestic production" narrative super well, I don't think LAC would turn this down if it was the best deal, and there weren't any legal issues.   I don't think that Japan is on our "s#it list" right now.   Even if the plans involve end product going outside of the country, this still IS in fact domestic supply that could be commandeered in the event of a severe need.   It beehoves the US to get this resource into production, even if it isn't initially supplying domestic demand.

I am a little biased w.r.t. Panasonic though, because it fits nicely into my LAC-NNO-sumitomo-panasonic narrative. ;)

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