Message: Re: Rios problems are not unlike those experienced by LAC at Thacker Pass

Ok... i don't disagree with you assesment of the real world  But I wonder if the mining regulations in Peru compare at all to those in the States.  Neighbors world wide are becoming more aware of what's going on in their back yards. But I believe that the controls attached to a mining permit in America are probably greater than those in most of South America. During the mine life and the reclamation after expiration there are agencies that are charged with reasonable control and oversight of the processes. Of course, the flip side of all this beauacratic baloney is that it is In America.  Take it with a grain of salt if you will.... but neighborhoods  are coalescing into a tough wall of defense. This could go on a lot longer than some of us more mature (older) investors would like. Oh, well, my grandkids and great grandkids will love it......

     Go  LAC!!

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