Message: Back at ya….

Cal, in response to your link to the article in the Elko Daily Free Press, I think that a response from Mr. Max Wilbert on Twitter might be revealing:

URGENT: land defenders and water protectors in Nevada are still seeking legal representation to help us fight immoral and trumped up charges after a mining company sued us for non-violently defending a sacred site. #ProtectPeeheeMuhuh #ProtectThackerPass #WaterIsLife #SacredLand


Notice the language used: "non-violently defending a sacred site."


See for yourself how that contrasts with some of the previous quotes from Mr. Wilbert, to wit:

“I am part of a revolutionary movement rooted in ecology, anti-racism, feminism and human and nonhuman rights that aims to dismantle the global culture of empire — read industrial civilization — by any means necessary.

“We need to build legitimate movements to dismantle global capitalism. All work is useful towards this end. However, I see no way this goal will be achieved without force. The best methods I have come across for achieving this rely on a dedicated cadre forming small, highly mobile and trained strike forces."

"The interconnected global economy is vulnerable to this type of attack because of how interdependent it is. If the right targets are chosen and effectively attacked, the entire thing could come crashing down.”

Beware the wolf dressed in sheep's clothing.

LAC has more to contend with that just protest members from part of the Native American community.

Thankfully, the 9the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the latest legal obstacle being raised by the opposition to the construction of LAC's Thacker Pass Mine Project.

So, the question remains:  Now that the legal means for disrupting construction efforts seems to be put to bed, will Mr. Wilbert and those of a similar "Eco Warrior" mindset decide to proceed to the extra-legal world and use his dedicated cadre ("highly mobile and trained strike forces") in order to achieve in an extra-legal way what could not be achieved in the more dispassionate setting of a court room?

Mr. Wilbert has signaled his intentions ahead of time, even though on Twitter he attempts to camouflage his true intentions as merely "non-violently defending a sacred site".

LAC has Machine Gun Granier to dispose of any future legal challenges resolutely and with vigor, but that doesn't mean that LAC should be blind to the possibility, at least, of haveing a more than adequate defense to extra-legal future efforts by "the opposition", the "Eco Warriors".



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