Message: A takeover thread?

You are bringing some valid points. But I think we have been with this before. Yes , there is some pollution from EV, and yes there is a limited range especially in US. But compared to LA traffic, with thousands of cars idling or going 20-30 ml/hr and EV doing the same – I don’t have to tell you about the pollution it creates.

 China is the perfect example, after they implemented EV in their largest city, pollution level dropped significantly.  

 Personally, I have a beef with wind turbines.  Waste of huge acreage, killing birds and after they break which does not take long- those huge propellers waste junkyard space, they cannot be recycled, they are made from composites.

 To me, natural gas and nuclear are much better alternatives, just plant trees instead of those turbines. Amazon is losing 100 ac per day!!!

 Well, LAC SP pullback as I thought it might. Support at $20 and $ 19.50sh might be able to keep it from going lower.

 My personal concern with LAC investment is Time. Hopefully “Bright “minds will keep the world from nuclear war . Then we /I need time for LAC to flourish so we can make serious money. I don’t think we have more than 10 years. With new technologies on the horizon.

 Hopefully, it will all work out in the near future.

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