Message: Breaking away from the "Gloom and Doom" for just a little bit of sunshine....

I don't believe, in the light of so much deserved attention on the near catastrophic slide in the LAC share price, that anyone has noticed how LAC and UNR may combine in the future to take a deserved slap in the face to the Greenies regarding "Carbon Capture" and "Carbon Storage".  

My apology to all about interjecting some sliver of "Good News" at a time when we are all reeling from the falling knife, but if one has any hope for the "Long Game" regarding LAC and the future of LAC then the possible wedding of the interests of LAC and Nevada Gold Mines Professor Chu at the University of Nevada, Reno, may ultimately justify that now small sliver of..... what is that word?.... "hope".

The article, linked below, was published in Nevada Today back on 11 October 2022.  The share price of LAC had already fallen, but not to the extent we saw at the Close on 20 October.  The pendulum swings on lithium carbonate and lithium hydroxide prices and on Corrine Blanchard's prognostications generated at Deutsche Bank regarding the future of LAC.  The present visit to the toilet regarding LAC share price is not something permanently confined to being buried in cement.  Things change, demand for lithium changes and the price per ton of lithium changes. 

Corrine Blanchard's opinion and the recommendation of Deutsche Bank is subject to the same sort of factors that cause Blanchard to change her hair style or style of clothing as new information modifies her analysis of "the situation" and new information transforms her tastes. It might take 6 months or maybe 2 or 3 years before Blanchard takes up the POM POMS and leads the cheer for LAC, but when she does make that transition then undoubtedly she will echo the clarion call at that time celebrating how LAC towers in the mining world efforts to be "Green".  

She is not immune to the wind of change in the market place and neither is her "analysis".

At some point in the future I expect to see the nascent partnership now being germinated between LAC and Professor Chu at UNR to grow into a bullet point that will be prominently featured in the advertising of the time in all LAC announcements to the public.  The phrases including some form of the concept of "Carbon Capture" will be replete in the public face of LAC that my own prognostication predicts.

Sadly, that point in the future provides little to no amelioration in regards to the tragedy in the market place for present day LAC stock owners.  We are in a deep, deep pit and it isn't the completed Thacker Mine Project pit that will remain in development until at least 2026, if not longer.

OK, back to the UNR proposal from Dr. Chu.  See the link below:

Using lithium mining waste to store carbon | University of Nevada, Reno (

Best wishes to all LAC investors, new ones and to that group who have been here since the invention of sliced bread, bottled beer and the printing press.



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