Message: Nevada? RE: 6 May post by Cal on the Discussion Forum

Cal, I am posting a copy of your post below for reference:

Hello Bill, I would like your input what is going on in your State, per my post from Yahoo:


More states are opening up. Country can not stay lockdown too much longer. People think that electricity will be "on" , water will be in your pipes , trucks will be running, etc - No, if lockdowns continue- economy will stop period. Ore has to be mined, steel formed, parts made to fix pumps and generators which run your water and electricity and trucks and everything else people are taking for granted. Unless you are fan of complete apocalypse... That is why I can not wait until Nevada governor gets of his political power hungry game and "opens" Nevada to all business. Yes, wear the musk, wash your hands but it is time to go to work... and continue to build Thacker-Pass.


Cal, since the subject is a political topic and in respect for the 6 Rules I have taken my further reply over here to the Off Topic Forum after a brief reply over on the Discussion Forum that primarily redirects this discussion.

Here in Washoe County we are under the same "Lock Down" order as the rest of the state.  I don't know how it is enforced down in Lost Wages, but I don't see any police or Sheriff's Office strong enforcement here and although in the beginning back in mid March it looked like most people were making some effort at obeying things have gradually changed.  While we still don't see the casions, bars, restaurants of cinemas open for business ( with the exception of Take Out and Delivery for some of the restaurants ) the number of people on the streets has steadily grown to the point that local traffic seems to be very similar to the volume of traffic that existed prior to the "Lock Down".  I am retired, but my wife works as a nurse so her job is considered "essential".  She does not drive because of a medical condition that hass the potential at any time to interfere with safe operation of a motor vehicle.  Her condition is quite stable and has not "flared up" for several years, but it still prohibits her from obtaining a driver's license because of the potential for an adverse event.  Long story short:  I am always the "designated driver" in our house so I take her to and from work twice a day, 60 miles of driving daily on Monday through Friday.  I drive right through busy areas of Sparks and Reno every week day and I have definitely noted that the traffic volume has increased tremendously over the last 6 weeks... so either we have a HUGE amount of "essential" workers OR, and more likely, we are having more and more people ignore the self isolation order.  The stores like Costco and WalMart are full of customers and the parking lots are full, same for standard grocery stores.  Many of the short order food places (McDonalds, Burger King, etc.) have long lines in their drive up llanes.  Service trucks for A/C, plumbing, mecanics, etc. flood the highways.  

If you go downtown to see the few blocks of casinos here in Reno or the scattered ones over in Sparks then that is a different story and certainly all the buffets are shut down... so life has definiteley changed in those areas.  My favorite restaurants are a couple of Chinese restaurants where I have become friends with the employees over the years and, sadly, they are effected by the shut down order and the anti-Chines bias that seems to be growing in our country.  I rarely meet someone from China that I don't like, but when the subject transitions to government then that changes everything.  I won't go on a long anti Chines government rant here, this is not the place. I will just leave it with the thought that my dealings with Chinese people have been more than cordial on the whole and very enjoyable, valuable.

There are lots of events occuring in our state regarding our state government and one of those is an active effort to recall our state Governor.  I won't comment further on that except to say that quite a few citizens are behind that effort to recall the Governor and much, but not all, the fuss is over the Governor's shut down order... so our state is like so many other states where the same issue is a political hot potato and we see large gatherings of people demonstrating against the shut down orders.  

By some accounts Nevada has not reached its "peak" regarding the SARS-CoV-2 virus situation and should peak very soon here in mid May.  Shut down businesses are hurting and hemorrhaging here just like they are in every state that has mandatory shut down orders and the response is divided here just like in those other states.

The job of balancing Risk vs Economic Recovery is a job I wouldn't place on anyone I cared for because no matter what their decision is, no matter whether they are Conservative or Liberal, White/Black/Native American/Oriental or from Antarctica they will be judged to be a sorry excuse for a human by a large portion of the population.  Such is the burden of holding political office in a crisis situation.  Making that call about tipping the scales in favor of Economic Recovery and getting people back to work is something that is imperative for survival, so it all boils down to "When" is the optimum time to make such a call.  What politician has a direct pipeline to God to determine this critical decision in a manner that has uniform infallability?  

There is no way that the Governor will be deemed correct on his decision by 90% of the population.  This issue is too polarized to see a consensus of opinion by the vast majority of our citizens.... and ... we are no different from any other state.  Should our governor be recalled and someone else made Governor then that individual will be faced with the same polarizing event and his/her decision will generate just as much controversy.  Bottom line:  You couldn't pay me a Billion Dollars to be Governor of Nevada right now.  JMO.

So I don't know if I have sufficiently addressed your question or not, but the person who answered it over on Yahoo was not me so I do not claim any responsibility for their answer, only for mine.

While I did shift this over to the Off Topic Forum I would caution you and me, for that matter, that we don't want to go too far into politics here... even though now we are on Off Topic.  I have tried to steer away from stating my own political opinion and only just my observations.  I won't let even this Off Topic Forum degenerate into a political war between Conservatives and Liberals.  There are plenty of other message boards where that volitility and vehemence is a multi times a day fact of life.  That can't be allowed here.  Our stated purpose remains to discuss LAC, lithium mining and the lithium market.  It will remain that way.

Best wishes to all LAC investors.  Onward through the FOG!   Bill  ( okiedo )

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