Message: Water Rights in Nevada and Arizona

ProsserP, thanks for posting the link about water cuts in Arizona and Nevada.  Of course a fall in hydro power along with less water for industry, for drinking and for agriculture will inevitably have serious social, economic and political ramifications.

The current fall in water levels along the Yangtse River in China illustrates how bad things can unravel in all of those parameters for a country and a government that has otherwise been quite propserous for many years. Upheavel in all of those areas mentioned above and more will undoubtedly follow if the government, any government, engages in target practice on their own foot, the U.S. being absolutely no exception.  

Actions have consequences, especially if those actions are in direct contradistinction to the best interests of the country and its people.

Again, ProsserP, thanks for posting the link.  Below is just one of the many current articles that have been in recent circulation about the dire situation in China involving water shortage that is compunded by record temperature readings.  Sort of a One-Two Blow to the country.



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