James Bay Lowlands & Bob Lake Saskatchewan

Yes, a BIG HIT and only more big hits are coming

Message: Patience Will Be Rewarded

I certainly hope so Visegrip. I don't have as large a position as I would like to have with BMK but I'm only starting my 'investment' career. I'm being cautious and I've set myself strict "must follow" rules for my exit points. Today's 0.51 bids did not sit well with me...

Press Releases in general have not been received well by the public these days and in some cases viewed as bad. That is the impression I am getting but this might be attributed to the fact that I'm still a newbie and don't have the experience to 'read between the lines' of press releases.

Hopefully with time and reading post from more seasoned people I'll get the hang of it. Although its sometimes hard to keep up with 200+ new messages a day!!

Thanks for all your help.

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