James Bay Lowlands & Bob Lake Saskatchewan

Yes, a BIG HIT and only more big hits are coming

Message: SP @ 26 cents and Dropping....

I see it different:

I see that I have chances now, I never had before. With some money (I that I do not need right now) I buy some shares and leave them for a while, maybe 1 but also 5-10 years. I have some shares for 30 years.

I can put the money on a bank or buy soem luxury. But why should I? I like this more. The risk is bigger. I agree, but then: I am not the kind of person that can live without.

So, I can buy now shares , for only 40 percent of the normal price(however some shares I have, I keep them for many, many years).

I do not advise you or whatsoever do, take your own decissions!

Kind regards


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