Welcome To The MagIndustries HUB On AGORACOM

Message: Welcome

Hey there horns,

Good to see you on this board again. I think it will be worth the wait. There are so many good possibilities that could happen. It's very hard to say how it is all going to work out though. Got the you know what scared out of me today when it dropped to .42 like a stone, but it cam back real quick. I have to admit, i think i did it this time. You know that well diversified approach kinda fell by the wayside here. I have been watching this stock since it's high of 3.80ish. Felt for everyone as it fell off it's cliff, almost bought in at.90 but didn't. And then it hit the bottom. That's where i started buying. I have been averaging up, so i'm still treading, but i got greedy. Dame, now i'm at risk. Ya i know, not smart. But i really like the potash plays in general and think this one is loaded for the upside. So now i need an exit statagy for at least half my play. I'm way over exposed on this one. I was starting to think i was a genius, NOT. I'm comfortable now, but i'm only left with a .05 downside, which isn't much. I've been watching the bids and asks, but there alittle thin for me to be making a move all at once. Maybee 25,000 shares a day, with a slow withdrawl? Any suggestions? Or hold and believe in my DD which is strong on this one. If it was the tree be shaken, then i'd ignore and continue on, but it could be a few months until the next step and that could get alittle scary for me. That would be too much tree shaking.

Anyway, thought would be well receive and Gnorth please ad some of yours for me too.


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