Welcome To The Mag Silver HUB On AGORACOM

A project so robust that we can mess up and still make a lot of money

Message: Re: Cole's Notes: What does MAG Have?

yes, i saw that news release, and it was encouraging. as longforcash put it so well, we really got the short end of the stick in the aurelian buyout.

i bought aru and mag on the same day in december, 2005 when they were both penny stocks. that must have been a day of great clarity for me. i thought i had caught lightning in a bottle twice in one day.

but the aru experience was extremely frustrating. we fought like crazy, and did everything retail shareholders could do. if you watched my videos you saw my (biased, unfair, and slightly outrageous) view of the situation. and if you look at the aru board, you won't believe how much activity there was. on one day alone, the forum had more than 11,000 hits. in the end i eventually made good money because i got in before the discovery hole, but nothing like i should have, because the company was sold for a small fraction of its eventual value.

the differences i see with mag is that (i hope) mag's management has more backbone than patrick anderson. since mag is located in a stable country, there doesn't seem to be any reason to panic over any threat of nationalization or expropriation. this management group might be willing to use its poison pill instead of agreeing to a "friendly" takeover.

but i still have this nagging feeling that this stock may have already seen its high; valdecanas is too good for mag to be allowed to keep it, because that's the way the world works. i hope our management can hang on.

Nov 11, 2008 11:31AM
Nov 11, 2008 01:35PM
Nov 12, 2008 11:14AM
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