Welcome To The Mag Silver HUB On AGORACOM

A project so robust that we can mess up and still make a lot of money

Message: Re: New drill results show new high grades..
Nov 19, 2008 07:30AM

Love these quotes:

"Who are our major shareholders? Our largest shareholder is Fresnillo plc, our partner in the d Juanicipio joint venture. Over the last month, they have gone from having 4.5% to 19.8% of our company. They claim in their filings that this is for investment purposes. That's as much as we know, but the management of MAG has formed – the Board has formed a special committee to consider what it means when your partner buys almost a fifth of your company and evaluate all of the various possibilities that could result from something like that. Sprott Asset has 8.3%. And you can see there is a number of other large holders, including management having a significant percentage of the corporation."


"This is not remote treasure as the Sierra Madre kind of territory. This is an hour’s drive on paved highways from a major international airport to most of these project areas. And we have Cinco de Mayo DD [ph] and Sierra Ramirez, which are in the high plains of Northern Mexico, also within very short drives of major international airports and cities. So the infrastructure is very good."


"This translates into a total of about 238 million ounces of silver, almost 0.5 million ounces of gold, and 1 billion pounds combined lead and zinc. MAG gets 44% of that. So that’s 1,004 million ounces. Note that with these gold and silver[sic - I think he meant base metal] grades and amounts, those will more than cover all of the anticipated operating costs for this operation. So the silver will effectively be net."


On Cinco de Mayo:

"We have a large magnetic anomaly over in this area, which we think may be the intrusive source and we started to drill hole on that on Sunday. Some of the holes we’ve had width up to 6, 7 meters, grades in the 250 to 1,000 grams silver. You see very strong lead values, up to 19%; 20% zinc. These are the kinds of grades that are characteristic of the best of these deposits in Mexico, and we simply have to keep following this mineralization back until things get big."


Here we have our – I’d run you through our first resource estimate, a 100 million ounces plus of silver to MAG. Note that’s fully diluted. MAG only has a few more than 50 million shares outstanding. So these silver ounces are net. There is effectively two ounces of net silver for every share of MAG out there.


"We are also looking at the potential ramifications of being acquired with somebody who makes a run at us during this market time when we believe we are undervalued."

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