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Message: Gov't Sponsored Healthcare

I think your approach is I got mine the hell with others needs. Some people don't have the resources that you apparently have. I love to hear about those who think they hit a triple because they were i born on third base. i bet you took advantage of public education. It seems to me if we provide public education in this country we should equally provide basic health care for all. A healthy population is a national responsibility. It's not a right to have clean water, drugs that work, a fire department, and schools. These are provided as a function of the government's job of providing for a more perfect union. As for health care, it's not a matter of dollars because we currently spend by far than any first world country on health care and get poor results. The other nations insure basic health care for all with a great deal less expense than we currently spend. Guess why--- insurance companies have their lobbyists and and control congress with their political contributions. It's as simple as this. We have to start thinking about ourselves as a community of people rather than a take the money and run mentality. political

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