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Anything exciting going on in McFaulds Lake? LOL

Many longterm investors in the McFaulds Lake stocks had their big day yesterday. NOT halts and the area plays went nutso. Apparently all the rumours before the whisper clampdown were correct. I have no idea what the grades will be from DE2 but the fact they found mineralization is enough that we now know, McFaulds Lake WILL have a mine at some point. We went from a probable to a sure thing is how I see it. I have no idea what value investors will now put on NOT but hard to imagine the stock not testing its previous 52 week high. Over a million shorts must be sitting on pins and needles waiting for the open today. Yikes, can you imagine? Personally I hope this group gets crushed.

For all the talk of secrecy from NOT about DE2, its hard not to notice how Anonymous and ITG were the big buyers before the halt yesterday. No big deal, just an observation.

I don't think anyone knows how today will play out, but a word of advice for those that are trading NOT, FNC, PRB, BMK, FWR, etc etc. These stocks won't go straight up and keep going, if you get the chance take some money off the table and get your cost per share down to a tolerable level. No one ever went broke taking some profits, fear of missing out on a few dollars is what kills many investors. JMHO

Congratualtions to all McFaulds Lake investors, your patience and faith in the various plays has payed off !!! Enjoy the time in the limelight, try not to get greedy. LOL


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