A gold and base metal company with focus on the Timmins mining camp

Message: Drill turning on Moon Energy Corp project north of ZamZam-Jowsey gold zones

It has been further confirmed this morning from field sitings that drills are turning on the Moon Energy Corp Carscallen Gold Project to the immediate north of the Melkior ZamZam zone property boundary. Moon field staff have commented that deep drilling of the north volcanic contact boundary between the two properties was necessary after the limits of shallower target equipment was reached.

Moon was very open to disclosure on the project as it was said that they were in the process of testing targets generated by some new geophysical development programs incured earlier to the north of the neighboring Melkior property holders.

This area appears to represent an area of increased exploration activity further west of the West Timmins Mining developments near the Lake Shore Gold deposit.

More to come when learned.

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