Welcome To The Metanor Resources HUB On AGORACOM

Metanor (MTO-V) is a new Canadian Gold Producer located in Quebec. It reached commercial production on December 1, 2013 and will produce 50,000 oz in calender 2014 with a present all-in cash cost of $1,018US.

Message: re: 43-101

I really dont understand like many others who own this stock.

Can anyone explain to me the following.

1. there are so many stocks out there who are not producing any money and yet are trading more then Metanor, There are others who dont even have much resources and are losing money very fast and yet trading higher. I just dont get it.

2. The company said that it will be releasing the report back in June 2010. I can understand that they have a delay or want to confirm thing or in the matter of fact what ever that is delaying the process. It seems that the management is very irresponsible with communicating with is shareholders, I belive that they owe the shareholders an answer to the late report or even more just communicate that there is a delay rather then upseting everyone, I own about 100,000 shares of this company and i am loosing my patience. They better get their act together or else i will be investing my money somewhere else, there are many fish in the sea.

Thank you and will appreciate anyone who has anything to share or add.

Aug 02, 2010 07:36AM
Aug 02, 2010 11:40AM
Aug 02, 2010 03:38PM
Aug 03, 2010 03:32PM
Aug 04, 2010 05:12AM
Aug 04, 2010 09:37AM
Aug 04, 2010 09:41AM
Aug 04, 2010 02:36PM
Aug 04, 2010 04:32PM
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