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Message: Frustrated, BUT...

Frustrated, BUT...

posted on Apr 24, 2008 04:27AM

When I review all that´s happened, and happening, and try like h#ll to keep my emotions out of it, I come to the following conclusion, assuming a big IF:

If Bill Cawker and management can be trusted, then those guys are onto a huge find. Once they have everything in place, they´re coming out with an NR that will blow the SP so high, I don´t even try to guess the top. They´ve got such a tight lid on developments that no one else has any idea of what they found. When they make the announcement, all our frustrations and impatience will be forgotten. But it all boils down to whether they can be trusted. From what I can gather, I think they can. And I will owe Bill Cawker an apology for the nasty email I sent him a few months ago. Which I will do, publicly.

Apr 24, 2008 04:43AM
Apr 24, 2008 05:12AM
Apr 25, 2008 08:48AM

Apr 25, 2008 08:58AM
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