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Message: Maureen1's Questions

Maureen, like many boards, we have lots of real investors, and we have some people with serious agendas. Crownroyal1 goes by many names, like Demerara, who are actuall Bill Cawker, president of MEO. If you go back and read my notes from the AGM, and the "Crown & Demerara" June 11th, 12:15 AM, you will get a good picture as to why investing in MEO is a very wise investment decision. If there weren't some huge finds, there wouldn't be all these games!!! Just remember, for them to make the big money, the share price has to go up, a lot. When it does, we all win !!!

Risk53 put up a post earlier today, and commented on his conversations with Bill.

Recently, there have been a growing number of posts about Naked Short Selling, and other stock manipulation tactics.

MEO took 6-8 mths to raise money amongst the partners to drill a $3 million wel, JB#2, last fall. The total bill was over $9 million, with the additional money raised in a heartbeat. MEO had to pay 55% of the additional $6+ million. Since then, 3 other wells were drilled at a cost of $1 million each, and very recently, 23 more wells were anounced, which will cost $30-40 million. But mgmt - Bill Cawker, say that they don't know if they found reserves of any value. Hard to believe, right?

Those who believe in manipulation and scheming believe that some insiders have an agenda focused towards frustrating investors and driving them to sell their shares at firesale prices. Each investor has to make their own decision to sell, or wait and profit.

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