Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: RE: Setting a pt is key , but (again, the obvious) IMO it is when to set and after

RE: Setting a pt is key , but (again, the obvious) IMO it is when to set and after

posted on Jan 28, 2005 07:13AM
Hindsight is that 20/20

so if we go up in anticipation but get bad news and tank, it will be known as the ``smart`` money got out before the announcement. but if it is good news and we continue to go over a dollar (and we have been there before - to $7 I believe), it will be known that the ``weak hands`` got shook out. Oh the dilema. Do I risk being a weak hand but maybe be the smart money

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