Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: larry king show - positive thinking - law of attraction

larry king show - positive thinking - law of attraction

posted on Nov 19, 2006 08:41PM
anyone see it?  anyone buy into how strong positive thinking can be?  Anyone buy into the law of attraction.  Visualize PTSC at $24 per share by next Christmas.  Visualize winning lawsuit against J3.  Ask the universe for this.  Believe it will happen.  Accept it will happen.  See it everyday.  Send those positive thoughts into the universe EVERY day and see the effect.  Interesting hour with some of the foremost positive thinkers who believe we can change our lives by changing how we think.  Focus on what we want, not what we dont want.  Law of the universe.  Be still and focus on the positive.  Energy flows where the attention goes.  Be happy and send out the visualization of PTSC at $24 per share.  Put on your "dream board" a picture of PTSC share price at $24.  Believe it, see it, dream it with passion and it will be there.  That's what they said over and over..... With so many of us sending this passion, this energy towards the courts, into the universe, we can help create reality.  a reality where PTSC is selling for $24 per share.
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