Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Reality
You wrote: don't think that the shareholders' rep being silenced (if that's not putting it too strongly) is a trivial matter. I assume that 'Brian' was chosen by the Agoracom community after careful consideration. Is there no one left on this board who was involved at that time and who knew Brian personally then, and still keeps in contact with Brian now? Surely, it can't be too difficult to establish that the world is unfolding as we all would like it, albeit slowly and bumpily, even without asking Brian any direct questions concerning Patriot. Can it?
Good points. You know, there are some on this board who claim to be close to Brian. Maybe have his email, correspond, maybe even have his home address. We once tried to get him on the BOD and I figure he gave out all that info at one time. Doubt if I still have it. But I figure if the elite group are still corresponding, they probably talk a bit about PTSC. Maybe there is a reason this can't be shared. Too sensitive to be public? Some have posted that Brian is working for us as always and just trust all is good. If you really think the shareholder rep should correspond with the shareholders once in awhile, maybe you could get his email and drop him a line. I'll see if I can dig that up for you.
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