Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Brian, final feedback - thanks again - for your consideration ...

Re: how to spend finite income

posted on Nov 28, 2006 07:13AM

We have been told there are 3 ways PTSC is considering using revenues from license deals:

Dividends ---------- Stock Buyback ------------ Purchase new company/technology


Is trying to do all 3 better than putting all the monies into doing one thing?


Use Dutton’s estimates and imagine if all the projected funds were used toward dividends.  Limited future but nice to have cash rolling in each quarter.


Use Dutton’s estimates and imagine if we purchased back shares.  Would it really make a significant impact to share price?  Again, limited future.


What if all the projected funds were used for new company? 


Now what if you try to do all 3?  Small dividends.  Purchase back a couple of million shares.  Reduce your purchasing power when shopping for the smart purchase. 


Is there an impact to what we can purchase (because what we purchase is our future) when we try to give dividends and purchase back shares? 


What we purchase impacts the true longs.  Dividends help the medium longs.  Share buyback probably help us all?  I think. 


I know a few of you have already posted on this topic, but it sure seems like this is pretty important – how income is going to be allocated.  And I sure don’t know what is the best answer.

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