Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: wolf (george) - thanks no pottersville here

wolf (george) - thanks no pottersville here

posted on Dec 07, 2006 11:35AM
I don’t think writing to Pohl, harassing him will help matters.  Trusting what Brian has said, we need to let Pohl do his best.  Pray for him.  Pray that he is able to maintain his integrity.  Consider that many start off with high ideals but succumb to temptation.  George almost gave in when offered a job with Mr. Potter, a job with a lot of money.  But he realized he would be selling out the little guys.  We need people like George who quietly, without a lot of fanfare, look out for the little guys.  Maybe Brian, Pohl, TPL are those kind of guys.  Although, I get the feeling TPL is more like Mr. Potter and Pohl is more like George.  Increasing volume with continued downward trend.  I remember buying in at 80 cents long ago and watched it go below 4 pennies.  Something good has to happen here, it just has to.  We need a clarence to stop in and lend a hand.
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