Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: wordsmithing


posted on Feb 06, 2007 05:39AM
Say one was to write a letter to our US Patent office.  Something to the effect:  Dear sir, I am a shareholder of a company which owns intellectual property.  I invested in this company because of the intellectual property blessed by your office.  It has been determined that many other companies have been using my companies intellectual property without permission.  Their free use of this property has made it difficult for my company to succeed.  They want to continue using this property for free and have asked your office to reconsider your blessing.  Similar to when Cuba decided to nationalize all privately held property and took it all back.  Many middle class citizens have invested in this company because of the property they own.  To take the property back hurts many honest trusting people.  Aside from the fact that it's difficult to see that there really was any prior art, it would be a  shame to pull the carpet out of everyone who believed the patents were valid. 
now how would one write that more eloquently for submission to our government officials.
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