Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Now, After all the discussion/research....

What cracks me us is how many think TOUGH QUESTIONS at the SHM will have Pohl shaking in his boots.  He is making decisions on his future, the future of PTSC based upon having to face tough questions at the SHM.  Oh my.  What a nightmare for Mr. Pohl. 


from some frustrated basher / shareholder on RB.  You really get a wide range over there. 

 slap to the face of the Shareholders.......

Why wasn't the "letter to shareholders" released outright as a matter-of-fact..
Instead of breaking it in two letters...?
The reaction Pohl expected must have been for two days of higher pps.
On the first announcement, the pps went up 0.17(Thurs.).
On the second day, it backfired and pps took a loss when the "letter" was not
put out prior to the closing bell.(Friday).
Were the big Dogs expecting another 0.10 or more to go up on Friday,
so that they could sell a few more million shares on Monday 20/25% higher..?

It was very clear from the begining that "the letter" was never intended to hit
the wire before the bell, as we eventually found out.
Why? very simple, Pohl knew that the
information therein, didn't mean "SQUAT" to most of the present investors.
Had the "letter" been released on friday, prior to the closing bell, I guarantee
you that the gain on thursday, would have been completly wiped-out on Friday.

Let us not be fooled, this letter contained old "facts" that we all knew
through previous 10Qs. Repetious jargon for the well briefed investors.
This letter was clearly DIRECTED at "new blood", new investors
that hopefully will be attracted by the 0.02 divy, the previous 0.06 divy, the
future divys coming up, "depending on mkt. cond." and the
superb job by Allicense in generating new revenues.
Pohl and the "rest", know that present
investors will not fall for this "old carrot" any longer, period.
This was and is evident as the selling continues with less shares
being accumulated as days go by.
No more serious money will be invested by present investors
until we see basic fundamentals created and a more solid pps.

So, based on these "dirty actions" by a CEO/BOD that clearly are accomodating
Insiders and disregarding the retail investors......I expect red
for a few days.
Even, if PTSC continues its trickling, minute buy-back,
It will not be enough to off-set the selling by S&L or any other insiders if the "secret" buyer stops buying.
That means, that the pps will take a hard hit, temporarily until new money pours in, or another contract by Allicense, or
anything that will create volume and opportunity for the sell-off to continue
without terribly affecting the pps.

The JV, China/Ignite.... the words: "Intended/Possible" preceeded that statement.
In other words, it carried no teeth. Simply, "forward statements" that Pohl has
been using for almost two years. Legal, but red flags come out when it appears.
Nothing more than a hook with no bait.

"We recently entered into a joint venture to which we are transferring relevant portions
of the patents and assets formerly held by HNI".
Pohl could have been alot more informative without disclosing confidential material.
Pohl opted not to do it.
It just happens, that PTSC is transfering the most valuable asset
of Holocom to them, after $520,000.00 were depleted from our financials.

Nonetheless, he spends most of the time elaborating with
useless old information that we all already knew, and yet decided to leave out the
most essential information that we were hoping that he would comment on.
This guy must think that most of PTSC's
investors are a bunch of retards.
And that may well be....If you fall for his @#%^&*!.
They say that silence is golden. In this case, is "misleading", to say the least..!
Go back to the "Letter" and if 95% of its content is not old and repetitious
information, then VirginaHen is not a basher.

The 0.02 divy was a slap to the face of the shareholders and the financial future
of this Company.
The first two divis could have been forced by "circumstances".... And we ate that.
This particular divi is going to be issued under no "forceful circumstances" by
any particular entity and it clearly demonstrates a continuing effort to
lined the pockets of Insiders at the expense of PTSC's future and the Retail Investors.
Someone is leading this Pack of money-hungry wolves. Who can that be..?

Without the hard work and continuous success of Allicense. PTSC would
sink faster than the Titanic.
Without Mr Pohl, we might be able to remain afloat, long enough for a true CEO
to come to our aid.......!!!

Monday's trading action will be the "answer" to Pohl's "low blow" to
shareholders. If I'm wrong, we will see green at EOD.
If I'm right, we will see a drop in the pps of 0.10 or more
over the next two or three days.
I really hope I'm wrong.

Yes, in the short term, PTSC will see improvements in the pps, but definetly not
because of the efforts of the CEO.
The aggressiveness of Allicense/TPL and the strength and capabilities of the MMP
will continue to dictate the ups and downs of PTSC for sometime to come.
Mr. Pohl is a big fat Zero to the left of the decimal point.

My whole reasoning for this post, is the "deceitful" manner in which this
"letter to shareholders" was presented to us and.........Needless to
say, the waste of financial resources in the 2% divy directed
at the pockets of Insiders at the expense of the Company's future and the retail

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