Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

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good post ... but....

What are your questions exactly???? what is the price you are looking for $5 how bout $10. these are just numbers in your head ... there is SOOOO much more depth to stocks than just good news.

My number one question to you is ... How would you get to your $5 mark AND STAY THERE? do you think you could have stayed at $2 all this time without the MARKMAN ruling?

How do you handle the fact that PTSCs type of business is not seen in a very gracious light on the street ... and argue against the analysts fundamental reasoning (you don't know how much you will get until you get it - IF YOU GET IT AT ALL).

How do you propose PTSC should handle secrecy of payouts so to not create a fixed or falling rate? No one wants to pay more than the next guy.

I hope you do not see this as an attack because i really am interested in the answer ... I am sure the board is too.

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