Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Ron

Thanks RON ... it does help

had hoped that AMD was interested enough to purchase PTSC ... they had (the last i heard) 4.5M (or was it 5.4M) shares - in any case it was a good start. They fit nicely with us ... couple that with MARKMAN and the continuing pressure INTEL was putting on them this would be a no brainer - STUPID ME.

also thought that if they still own those shares it would be a great indication in the MARKMAN. figure they would not sell if they expected us to win (who better to tip information?)... course you never said they have sold ... you just said that they may be getting ready.

Do you know when they sold?

well in any case it is food for thought.

have a great night ... GO PTSC ... hope we do better tomorrow/today

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