Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: My last post on caution, optimism, and Mr. Cook...

This post of Ron’s, one of many cautionary advisories, helps point out the value of those many call “bashers”.  While being chided by Ron for being a chicken little proclaiming the sky is falling, the value added to this board is a “worst case scenario”.  And though the “bashers” sometimes seem overly pessimistic, it is a balance to those who are sure it is a “slam dunk” nothing can stop us now scenario.  Not to defend false hype or false gloom and doom, or posters who fill up the board with meaningless dribble, I am trying to point out the benefit of diversity on this board.  The exchanging of ideas and challenging of  thought process helps us grow.

But as in any social setting, it is important to have rock solid centered people to help hold the fringes in check.  And we have that on this board.  A bell shaped curve would show that most agora posters are cautiously optimistic, centered, stable and long.  Many continue to post their thanks to these core posters.  Most recognize their contribution and appreciate them.

Personally, I thought the story would unfold sooner than it has and now think it will take longer.  Even with Markman results in 30 days, I think the PTSC story takes another year to unfold.  Our huge potential will take awhile to develop and manifest itself in the form of a $28 share price.  But that’s just an opinion of a manic depressive associate
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