Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Turley

Re: Turley

in response to by
posted on Jun 08, 2007 08:23AM

OK - You win! 

1.)  The SP is where it is because no one else  knows the potential of this company like we do. 

2.)  The quote about JT was to outline his non-business success and not induce vomitting. 

3.)  Pohl must certainly be perplexed about the SP even though his good buddy Swartz is dumping massive amounts of shares every time there is good news.  Traders/investors must really be dumb to back away from a stock that experiences massive selling on good news from it's largest investor.

4.)  Pohl meant to pick someone with "new blood" as a replacement like he told us but had a senior moment and picked JT instead - after all he is 70 years old. 

"Ahhhh - My vision suddenly has a wonderful tint of rosey red"   


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