Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Mars

Yaz - Apatentlawyer

in response to by
posted on Jul 30, 2007 03:52AM

"particularly given the posture of this board post-Markman". 

 Apatentlawyer - you are correct when you insinuate that this board is biased - the regular posters on this board are obviously biased in favor of Patriot and TPL.  However, it's painfully obvious that you are biased towards the J-3.  In all of your posts, you have never written anything positive relating to TPL/Patriot.  Your posts always include some type of knock against Patriot/TPL.  As you're well aware, the Markman hearing results did leave Patriot shareholders plenty to cheer about.  Gee - I wonder why you won't discuss or mention any of the positives for Patriot/TPL. 

It's too bad we don't have a patent attorney who can provide "balanced" commentary.  Although Ron is a Patriot shareholder, I believe he comes the closest to balanced commentary. 

Apatentlawyer is the polar opposite of this board's biggest cheerleader. 

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