Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: NEWS - Patriot Scientific Licenses Microprocessor Patents to DMP Electronics Inc.

All IMO----this stock is amazing and defies logic when it comes to share price. things really do look good for PTSC yet we trend lower. The warrants are gone, we are purchasing our own stock, we actually have 2 BOD members that deserve some respect....(the other BODs are baggage...), we are promoting the stock, have an actual game plan that does not redistribute our revenue in divys, have a joint venture in Holocom which is actually generating a modest revenue, have plans to acquire new technology....yet we trade down. oh yes and we have no... zero debt. And we are generating a rather consistent revenue via the MMP. yet we trade down.

JT presents at the arch conference and the next day we produce a new licensee. should this not generate at least a little confidence in the investment world? I cannot see how any of this translates to the constant price erosion.

something is very odd with this stock and defies all logic. someone must be accumulating this stock. i cannot imagine anyone wanting to unload a large block of shares when there is so much potential for a big upward price spike. the BOD and S&L have always been a great concern of mine. yet S&L control is being diminished, if not eliminated. I can even overlook the dead weight of the other 4 BOD members with the presence of JT and NT. so who would be selling this stock right now? the markman was positive and PUBAT is not enough of an issue to drag the company down when other companies are licensing the IP (even with the questions of PUBBAT). so who is making money off of this constant price erosion? it cant be just MM games because i believe you can only squeeze so much blood from the retail investor. all imo....would like to hear what others think.

thanks and glta, teremoto

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