Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: lots of questions of why big holders would be selling and no new large investors

lots of questions of why big holders would be selling and no new large investors

posted on Sep 14, 2007 04:20AM

Why would large investors sell or not come into this stock.... pick a #

1.) first thier is a large # of shares which is attractive to large investors... but this stock does not hAVE the volume to support a liquid investment... our volume compared to OS shares is 1/10 of what it should be... for example S/L.. has @ least 25 million shares right now if they wanted to sell 4% (1million shares)of thier investment  it would desimate the share price... my guess is our stock price would drop 10-15% (of course this depends how they get rid of theses shares)...   LARGE INVESTORS LIKE LIQUIDITY FOR INVESTMENTS.. my belif is S/L are hedging thier stock taking some off the table if we did get bad news they would not be able to get out..

2) This stock is being manipulated... In the history of this stock thier has been stock price action that would lead the average person to beleive this is true... during the last waarent repurchase (anout 2 years ago) the price shot up... during any warrent repricing we saw the price drop... this stock is trade in other markets... (Germany) which is one way to naked short a stock... during the last up swing this stock was shorted VIA naked shorts... driving the price lower... I have searched the FTD(failure to deleiver ) list but can find no/little info for BB stocks so I can neither confirm or deny this has occurd for NAZ stock they list this stocks so naked shorting would be visable... because the smart money knows about this stock manipulation they stay away...


My guess is a combo of the two,,,,




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