Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: 2cents on JT and CEO

2cents on JT and CEO

posted on Oct 23, 2007 08:05AM

Considering that we are a 5 person company, the CEO does not have to be much of an administrator.  Our company’s situation is different than most.  I think JT is extremely qualified to lead PTSC at this juncture in time.  With his contacts and charisma, he can find the upcoming future superstar companies and invest in them.  We will be beholding to his expertise down the road imo.  We may be surprised at the acquisitions because they are not yet superstars.  That is how you get value, discover them before everyone else.  That is the hockey stick appreciation we shall see in our share price.  We make acquisitions and staff with qualified people to run.  JT finds the soon to be discovered superstar companies and gets us to Nasdaq.  That is his role and his qualifications will enable him to do well.  How about we support him for awhile longer.

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