Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: **Official Notice - Posts Deleted, Members To Be Terminated**

**Official Notice - Posts Deleted, Members To Be Terminated**

posted on Oct 26, 2007 02:27PM

Good afternoon to you all.  As you can see, we've deleted a great number of posts from this afternoon.  We've given the board some latitude but that appears to now be a mistake given the amount of personal messages being posted - none of which add any value to the board.

As such, please be advised that we are now returning to a very strict interpretation of the rules, including the termination of posting privileges.  Regardless of your rating, high or low, I urge you not to engage in discussion that does not pertain to the fundamentals of PTSC and any reasonable conclusions, discussion or questions that stem from them.

If you feel a message represents a violation, do not respond to it.  You must use the violation reporting feature.  Otherwise, you are just engaging in endless clutter.  For those of you that purposely abuse the violation report, there will be penalties as well.

Do not reply to this message with "here, here" or "censorship" or any other such opinions.  This is the PTSC board where investors and potential investors come to seek knowledge and make better investment decisions about PTSC.   

As such, I suggest everyone returns to posting about PTSC.  If you have nothing to say about PTSC, then read until the posts are done and then come back at a later time.  Those who choose to spend their time bickering will be shown the door.

I trust this post is abundantly clear and look forward to great discussion about PTSC.  If you choose not to agree, then disagree on the facts, not on the personality of the person you are replying to.

Thank-you for your understanding and for helping restore this forum to its rightful place.



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