Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: RE: ease2002 your 100% right!

RE: ease2002 your 100% right!

posted on Feb 25, 2005 06:09AM
Given that we are (and have been)in an essentially adversarial relationship with Intel; and given that it took AMD six months to hammer out an agreement that just this week was announced, I am not so sure that we and Intel could have turned on a dime this week to be close to some type of ssettlement agreement. It might be possible, and it might be nice to think that; but a whole lot of backtracking would have had to occur in the last three days (and why would Intel have backtracked any sooner than the AMD announcement?), in order for a judge to hold up a decision, that is on the surface a relatively elementary ruling. If Intel has stuck their nose into the ruling process, my guess is the judge would, at best, tell them they have two weeks to hammer something out with PTSC, or the ruling gets issued anyhow.

I could be way off base, but I bet a ruling gets handed down before Intel and Patriot settle anything. MW

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