Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: WRENCH


posted on Feb 25, 2005 12:25PM
Wrench, consider the possibility, (and don’t yell at me for exploring possibilities) that the deal is kept quiet because we are in the midst of some other licensing deals. For the AMD deal to be known would compromise PTSC’s negotiating position with the other companies. They plan to have the current contract talks wrapped up before the 8K is released obviously. Talk to Wallin and get his spin. I am more worried about some of the folks I have come to trust (yeah, stupid thing to do on a chat room board) on this board who have apparently closed their positions. Brian always had a good read on PTSC and he seems to have bailed. That would speak more to me than your speculations. The PTSC web site still not really working – hopefully not a façade to appear like a real company but in fact an indication of what is still to come. We get listed on Nasdaq, we go places. All in my own speculation
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