Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Acacia Research settlement with ATT and Reverse splits

Acacia Research settlement with ATT and Reverse splits

posted on Nov 15, 2007 09:44AM

We can only hope that a similar anouncement is forthcoming from the Eastern District of Texas. The Japanese companies are strong, proud, exacting and persistent. We can only hope that all the i's are dotted and all the t's have been crossed and that the conclusion will be considered a win/win to the greatest extent possible. As a signee, the Japanese companies want to make sure that later signees will pay an even higher price for infringement and that they are not being overcharged. I believe this game is as much psychological as it is monetary. It will be just as difficult as trial to convince them that this is in everyone's best interest. I believe that news should be forthcoming prior to Thanksgiving, a week away. It is important that they realize the significant economic benefits they have already received from use of the MMP. Most critical is that this establishes a cornerstone, a keystone that will limit future debate on the efficacy of the MMP.

I agree with d2006s, Larscot and others that a Reverse split is not in the best interest of the shareholder. If you want to lower your profit margin then go for reverse split. Reverse split is a sign of extreme weakness and is a tool used by weak biotech firms trying to stay on the NASDAQ because their R&D sucks.

NASDAQ is the way to go. It may take us longer than we would like but it will be worth the wait. Slow and steady is the course that is being charted. I will be thrilled when we complete all of this patent contention and the company can move forward with a fat purse weighing us down on our way to tech acquisition explosion.

Regards and gltal

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