Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: The infighting has

The infighting has

posted on Mar 01, 2005 04:42PM
certainly led us away from the most unbelievable news in PTSC history.Maybe our brains are struggling to fully absorb the fact the two biggest players in the game have decided, for whatever personal reasons, that they had to license our technology/patents. That is a ``watershed moment`` The dam has been broken wide open, leaving 150+ companies now in the know that they too Must sign agreements whether on their own accord or by legal means. The only questions left are when they will sign and if they will have a choice of companies to sign with. It is truely unbeleivable, but I can`t think of another company involved in all of this that, at least as of this time, is in a better position than PTSC. Just my thoughts, Joe
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