Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: some of the larger single day pps jumps this year-and also close to open jumps

some of the larger single day pps jumps this year-and also close to open jumps

posted on Dec 17, 2007 06:04PM

this is accurate as far as price ... checked for splits and they did not show up in scottrade.

date - ticker open, close

FEB 23, 2007 - CYIG 2.80, 14.28

SEP 21, 2007 - DCCN 0.51, 1.82

NOV 14, 2007 - MLEX 0.50, 1.10


** FSLR closed NOV 7, 2007 @ 167.12 - opened NOV 8, 2007 @ 221.19

** GSI closed JUN 29, 2007 @ 3.80 - opened JUL 2, 2007 @ 5.75

**NXPC closed MAR 23, 2007 @ 0.60 - opened

there are more but my ADD is has me taking a break.

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