Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: RE: I`m here very often but never post....have a basic Q

RE: I`m here very often but never post....have a basic Q

posted on Mar 09, 2005 10:48AM
I speculated an answer to that a few days ago (but was shouted down by some) when I proposed that this AMD deal was orchestrated by our financiers to dump their holdings for a nice profit. Everyone associated with the deal gets out cleanly and feigns their surprise and disappointment when the judge says bye bye to B&O (who probably are thanking the judge since it was costing them too much and thankfully they have some shares to unload at 20 cents).

Just when you want to believe that THESE guys aren`t shady crooked sting men, SURPRISE.

Of course IMO and I also speculated that we would see another signing as PTSC begins to get others to license their patents / product. The web page - a scam or in process? Still not working. but maybe now it no longer matters.

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