Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Agora: What is wrong with this picture?

Re: Agora: What is wrong with this picture?

posted on Feb 24, 2008 06:51AM

"and you are doing nothing to help shareholders".

Rebecca, you should choose your words much more carefully.  Monitoring the PTSC HUB has become a 7-day affair.  The fact that I'm posting on a Sunday morning when I should be playing with my children is proof positive of that.

The rating system is an invaluable tool in helping our staff properly assess the contributions of members.  Just because it hasn't paid off for you, it doesn't mean it hasn't paid off for others.

Please feel free to write your comments to management.  We live and die by our record. 

Please feel free to build a better alternative.   We've provide you with an OT forum, violation reporting and ignore features to try and provide you with a better experience.

You won't get the boot.  If we advocate constructive criticism as a good investor tool, we advocate it as a good member tool as well. 


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